My mum and I used to love watching talent shows when I was younger. A vivid memory I have is of one when I was 9 and I saw a girl who wasn't much older than me singing on "X Factor", she had a style I really liked, my curious eyes were partiularly drawn to her edgy hair which had blue and pink highlights in it, after telling my mum how much I loved her hair we came to the exciting conclusion that I'd get blue and pink braids during the holidays. The holidays came and my mum kept her word, I was convinced I was the coolest, prettiest 9 year old to ever exist with my vibrant new hair. Unfortunately, the feelings of excitement gave way to feelings of regret when I'd gone for a walk with my mum and we passed by a group of random girls who had some unkind words to say about my appearance. I remember all of this because it was the first time I truly understood the concept of judgment and how unfair, unpredicatble and uncontrollable it is. It was then that I realized a s...